Ryokan Nakaya
2214 Kanzanji-cho , Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture,Japan
From JR Hamamatsu Station
– by Bus
By bus from JR Hamamatsu Station to KANZAJI-ONSEN.
Gets off at the” KANZANJI-ONSEN” bus stop.From the bus stop 5 minutes,by walk.
Bus terminal located on the north side of JR Hamamatsu station.
The bus system is based pole numbers and bus numbers.
When getting on the bus take a small ticket out of the ticket dispenser.These ticket determine your bus fare.When the bus is closed to a stop,the name of a stop will be announced(Tsugi wa KANAZAJI ONSEN desu).When you hear the station name that you want to stop at,you must push the button and bus will stop at that bus stop.
Bus fares are displayed at the front of the bus on a lighted panel.
Pay the amount shown on the panel which corresponds to the number shown on your ticket. Place this money and your ticket in the fare machine next to the driver.
Pole numbers:1
Bus number:30
Bus Fare:610yen
The time required:45min
– by Taxi
You can catch a taxi at stands in front of JR Hamamatsu station.
About 35 minutes.
From JR Maisaka Station
– by Taxi
You can catch a taxi at stands in front of JR Maisaka station.
About 20 minutes